Hello. I am using a very modest Panasonic cf27 laptop (Pent2 256mb ram) and use Slitaz 3 It has not enough power to watch BBC iplayer videos other than very jerky but I have used it for BBC iplayer radio which is good. However I am now getting a message that I need to upgrade my flash player to 10.2.0 or higher. I have read and followed various guides and forum comments but nothing has worked for me. I have downloaded the latest tazpkg from Abobe, unzipped and pasted the libflashplayer.so in usr/lib/mozilla/plugins but this has not worked and I am well and truly stuck. Can someone please help. My Linux skill is new still learning. Thanks

(26 posts) (7 voices)-
Posted 12 years ago #
flash-plugin- http://www.mediafire.com/?6wlrmomyfuojnmu
To install open terminal,su,enter your password
# tazpkg install flash-plugin-
Posted 12 years ago # -
I downloaded the link to my downloads folder. When I type in your command in terminal I get tazpkg not found returned. Where am I going wrong. Thankyou
This is what I get.
Unable to find : flash-plugin-
Posted 12 years ago # -
cd to the directory containing flash-plugin-
# tazpkg install flash-plugin-
Posted 12 years ago # -
Thank you mojo. I was not cd'ing to the download folder. Now I have done it and I think flash is installed. The problem now is that Firefox crashes as soon as I try to play BBC iplayer!. Incidentally I did a fresh intall of Slitaz 3. I think that firefox I installed via package manager is pretty old. How do I install a newer version.
Posted 12 years ago # -
http://www.trixarian.net/SliTaz - Download Firefox 4, install and go to About Firefox , click the Check For Update button and then wait for it to update itself.
Posted 12 years ago # -
An excellent friendly forum. Thanks for your responses. I have done as you suggest. Firefox updated and flash apparently installed. It no longer crashes but when I try to play radio or video it does nothing. No image or audio. I am wondering if this laptop just does not have the processing power to run the latest flash? If anyone has any further ideas please.
Posted 12 years ago # -
I could not tell for the latest flash BUT
- audio requires small processing power. I do not believe you should have a problem
- i have an old laptop with a 1.2 Ghz celeron M, I believe, and occasionnally will run slitaz 3 on it
Playing video on it is not realistic.Posted 12 years ago # -
Try http://trixarian.net/downloads/flash- which is an older version of the Flash Player Plugin which works pretty well compared to the newer ones (and runs flawlessly in midori and TazWeb). It should also run a little lighter than the newer versions too. But like christophe says, flash movies run pretty heavy even on the fastest system largely because hardware acceleration is disabled in Linux version. Running at lower bitrates also helps.
Posted 12 years ago # -
I will try the older version of flash so thanks for the link. I realise that video playback is not practical on this spec PC (Pentium II 300mhz and 256 ram) but as the machine is silent having no fan, then listening to radio shows is useful and as I have done so in the past hopefully possible.
Posted 12 years ago # -
Streaming Radio is really only limited by your connection speed. Personally I use deadbeef for all my streaming radio feeds - it works pretty well.
Posted 12 years ago # -
Thank you for your clear advise. The older version of flash from your link worked a treat. Firefox is now playing radio perfectly and video although the refresh rate is unwatchable, refreshing about 1 frame a second it is as good as can be hoped. Can you help with 2 more points please.
1 Midori still has no flash. How do you install it in Midori as the lower resources may help.
2.I looked in package manager for deadbeef and could not see it. Where can it be found preferably as a tazpkg.
Once again, thanks.Posted 12 years ago # -
maybe, for 1 try to install libfirefox
for 2 tazpkg -gi deadbeef ; or, wait a minute, i will upload for youhere:
http://ge.tt/4O3Zx9T/v/0Posted 12 years ago # -
Oh right, you're still using SliTaz 3. This is really the only incentive to trying to get SliTaz 4 to work: More Packages.
Posted 12 years ago # -
Thanks for that Kitty. I'll try it later when I get chance. I have tried Slitaz 4 but it goes through the motions but fails to boot as it cannot find a usable screen and I have insufficient knowledge to troubleshoot this at the moment. If you can give me a clue as to what I can try please. I am on a learning curve. I have tried dozens of distros and really love Slitaz. This forum is the best with prompt concise replies. Thanks all
Posted 12 years ago #
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