I updated Slitaz from 3.0 to 4.0 recently. I had to change SliTaz's boot parameter in my grub.cfg from /dev/sda4 to /dev/hda4, because I was getting a kernel error telling me to do so. During the installation process I did not select the option for installing Grub, instead wanting to boot into my other Linux distribution and run update-grub.
SliTaz will now boot, but the moment the login screen appears, everything freezes. The text sursor is not blinking, my keyboard LED's are not on and there is no response from the keyboard, and there is no mouse cursor.
What should I do?
Thanks much!

Freeze immediately after the login screen appears
(4 posts) (3 voices)-
Posted 12 years ago #
Bump... still no activity once login screen appears
Posted 12 years ago # -
Please dump your grub configuration file.
I guess you don't load all the 4 rootfs*.gz ...Posted 12 years ago # -
I have exactly the same problem. SliTaz 4.0 freezes at login screen.
Installation was done using tazinst with the following parameters:
INST_TYPE="cdrom", TGT_PARTITION="/dev/hda1", TGT_FS="ext3",
TGT_HOSTNAME="slitaz", TGT_USER="eqagunn" GRUB="yes"Also, I'm getting "ERROR: Unable to locate IOAPIC for GSI" during the boot.
Locale is set to "en_us", and keyboard as "croat".I'm new to Linux, please advise.
Setting the keyboard as "us" solved the problem.Posted 12 years ago #
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