Sorry of course, i can share work :).
It not really structured
I not compile cross-toolchain, i used old stuff from alanyih
- http://forum.slitaz.org/topic/slitaz-x86_64
- https://github.com/alanyih/slitaz-x86_64
Most time with manual stuff to have minimal "base" and toolchain with cookutils :
- build toolchain manual with following cook toolchain steps
- rebuild minimal usable base and toolchain (manual and with cookutils)
- rebuild twice system with new packages (used chroot)
- rebuild again switch readline 7 to readline 8 and ncurses 6
- run fresh system in vm and rebuild all packages with cookutils
Wok i used to start as stable release (4.0), receipt v1, and bump packages to follow 9.1 LFS and also pick from cooking.
At this time, i have usable minimal rootfs can boot (only cli ^^) and toolchain stuff.
Maybe question is why not use next64 ?, when i begin this, my goal is to have SliTaz 4.0 x86_64
The first step is to have build process same as cooker with full SliTaz x86_64, for ensure sanity of build and documentation.
After that to build other packages Xorg stack, desktop packages.