I set my tazpkg set-release stable
and updated base installation to latest. Everything works more or less fine except gparted-0.10.0 (auto updated dependency parted-3.0) and on console run i get
glibmm-ERROR **:
unhandled exception (type std::erxception) in signal handler:
what: locale::facet::_S_create_c_locale name not valid
I tried to update gtkmm-2.24.2.tazpkg
is part of gtkmm
? gugl) but its already installed.
Only thing working is to rollback to tazpkg set-release 3.0
and install original gparted-0.4.6.tazpkg
and parted-1.8.8.tazpkg
which runs without any exception with new gtkmm-2.24.2.tazpkg
Is this kind of behavior inherit from static building in newer kernel/release?
Also look'n'feel of updated xterm is unpleasant, how to configure xterm look that suits my needs.