Grub PC code to start Slitaz one time in the commando line box (for installation after frugal start to use tazx, and after installation, to do the same in the new system)? Add something with the "edit" function of Grub?

Grub PC code to start Slitaz one time in the commando line box?
(11 posts) (4 voices)-
Posted 7 years ago #
Thank you very much kultex!
@aleksej: why not 4 at the end of the line like in the most actual great linux?
Posted 7 years ago # -
@oui: Why (and 'bout) d'you asking me?
Posted 7 years ago # -
Hi Aleksej
Because I suppose you are able to adapt our standard iso to new conditions. SliTaz is a frozen definition. All olds things like Beaver Editor continue to be present as well as Retawq (a wonderfull old char mode browser, but absolutely not actual any more) etc. Some other are not young but I see actually in an Korean Ubuntu version that Nano, for ex. the old SliTaz standard editor, is able to use 100 % in console Korean writing (one of the most complex writings at all, with Chines and Devanagari) and to permit transaction beeing not usual in CLI: free copying of texts between CLI an graphic mode and back, parts only or long texts also. Nano is wunderfull and offers more comforts as Vi or Graphic mode VI ! More than Leafpad.
I would say, it would be time not to change only versions 5 instead 4 but to adapt the scope of contents to that new version and I don't know any more, which instance is to ask for...
Kind regards
Posted 7 years ago # -
Ah, that's what you meant...
Because I suppose you are able to adapt our standard iso to new conditions.
I'm not so optimistic, but I go without stopping :)
SliTaz is a frozen definition.
Yeah, very cold. Frozeny frozen. Interest in it has greatly faded away.
Nano [skip] is able to use 100 % in console Korean writing (one of the most complex writings at all, with Chines and Devanagari)
In console? I believe it's not possible. Console has limitation to 256+256 symbols charset. You can put the 51 Hangul Jamo's (separate Korean "letters") there, but can't put all the Hangul Syllables. Maybe you mean console emulator, like Xterm or Sakura (Xorg or GTK+ based graphical program that emulate char device)?
I see no great public's interest to put Eastern script support into SliTaz. And I'm a total noob in the input methods that I not use.
it would be time not to change only versions 5 instead 4
I've drop even 5 version :)
I'm working for 6 :D
And I will neither release 5 nor touch it without much need.adapt the scope of contents to that new version
I choose BLFS to pull SliTaz in (some of the packages are even new that ones in BLFS now). I believe it's a great basis for our distro.
All that updates are slow and huge for my limited time, but I still go. I can't make any forecasts (I'm bad in it), but something tells me that we'll have Test Live CD until the summer is over.
Posted 7 years ago # -
Hi Aleksej
Thank you very much for that detailed answer!
To answer your question, I did erase my actual SliTaz installation :-(( and copy in the partition the installations statement of Ubuntu minimal-minimal, made just after the declaration 16.04 is now stable, and installed directly in Korean (it was difficult: the installation, all steps, are in Korean as soon you did enter the language! I did made it as web install twice: a first time on English, write all the steps on a paper, erase it, and repeat exactly the same a the second time). As I am only a beginning learner of that language, I did find the screens very different between English (first time) and Korean (second pass) but I did have success and did install nothing in "taksel" (people accustomed to install Debian or Ubuntu as web install know the step) but did erase all the proposals of system (= CLI only installation). After restart, I did invoque taksel again. Taksel offers so new options coming from depository and not from used ISO / the actualization of them. So I did have so the possibility to select
lubuntu minimal installation !
Lubuntu minimal installation is very light. Very empty compared with SliTaz :-)) !
It offers (with 1,8 Gb in 64 bit AMD64) only:
(different from SliTaz) LXterminal (you are right with your supposition: that console emulator an NO real simple console in the menu Lxde menu. But, why uses SliTaz Sakura and not LXterminal? It is about the same?)
imagemagick and screenshot
fcitxnothing else
(excepted 4 or 5 frontends to set up the system, like video definition etc., and fcitx, but the frontend for fcitx setting does not work, as well as the also present icon for webbrowser: there is yet no webbrowser installed! The maintainer of Lubuntu minimal, a French man from Toulouse in France, propose Xombrero and gives a special version of it in private Lubuntu minimal depository, a version based on webkit 1, and that version can't be installed directly as it is not coming from main depositories. Ubuntu itself installs Xombrero on webkit 3.
Your SliTaz Xombrero version works (really) better than both ;-) as well as your links2 version! Thank you for the extremely clean installation with perfect finishing like home page on SliTaz on both! In the SliTaz version, flashplugin works without difficulty. In both Ubuntu versions, nothing to do actually...).
But ...
... all what you do in console (in that console emulator, LXterminal, in Lubuntu minimal) appears in real and perfect Hangul syllabes! So seen, it is correct and useful don't to offer an simple console in the menu being not able to do the job in the installations language!
How to start Fcitx (in Korean of course, after a Korean installation, not in Chinese!) I don't know.
After some time, I did fat my Lubuntu minimal installation. It is now an really heavy LXQT installation (LXQT because I can easily interchange Openbox with Jwm! Lxqt don't need Openbox at all! Why install it (and JWM parallel) for users accustomed in the past to work in JWM? It is a GREAT argument for old SliTaz-fans accustomed to use JWM in the past... They don't need to work with some completely different settings methods for Openbox with other frontends etc.I have two bars on the screen: an hidden tray from JWM on top (with small icons for that I don't know how to add in the Lxde menu ;-) ), - not really needed, you can also erase all concerning the tray out .jwmconfig, and, at the bottom, the LXQT bar more easy to handle than the LXDE bar for people not being accustomed to do that! Great advantage of .jwmconfig: I can add directly autostart methods like settings of setxkbmap etc. completely free without to search: where is that hidden in that system! It is so because I am accustomed to do that since SliTaz exists.
And I did erase Fcitx and install ibus-hangul with im-config:
That works really good and relatively easily in Ubuntu minimal full installation (but not in SliTaz... The package ibus-hangul is not offered in SliTaz. Fonts? In SliTaz, I don't know if available although I did install know the Asian font giving Chinese texts). Are those languages important? I find so. Chinese and Devanagari in all case as they are important for about 3 milliard people of the world (if you include urdu readers writing completely different, of course, but a lot of urdu people did also learn to read devanagari as both languages, hindi and urdu are the same one). And why not include, if you admit this fact, the needing few packages for Korean and Japanese?
I will stop here and write separately about the highly important fact, that you continue to use LFS to build SliTaz (I did know that in the past as you did begin to write you first "new SliTaz").
I will now reinstall my SliTaz full installation using the knowledge that I did acquire in the few last post of that forum (especially starting properly and without hesitation in text mode only and avoid so the highly irritation caused by unsuccess arriving in graphic mode!).
Posted 7 years ago # -
Hi oui
You are welcome to join the team and share their help and experiences with SliTaz. You can help in translations to Korean and improve the language support :)
Posted 7 years ago # -
Hi hackdorte,
I understand your irony, but...
I am one of the very very old users of SliTaz and did perhaps translate more SliTaz texts as one other fan of SliTaz (for SliTaz version 1 and 2 in the old wiki! From French into German).
But the SliTaz guys did not secure her server at this time so that my translations are all lost... Sorry, I will not made it a second time (I have no copy! Exact! I have not copy! 2005 .. 2014 were terrible years in the textile industry in Europe. I often did have no job, no working PC...)!
If you look in the (new) wiki, you will yet often see my pseudo in the German pages (I am not German, German is the language I did learn later as adult person, a real foreign language for me! Christoph is Swiss man an did live all his life probably a few kilometer from a German country. I not: My family came from Paris where nobody speaks German excepted German descendants).
The applications I need daily did never come offered in SliTaz... Being so has the consequence, that SliTaz did never become my all day or daily Operating System because I need also the other one, with the complete scope of applications, equal which one, Debian, Ubuntu, Slackware or Mandrake and successors...
I use SliTaz (and Puppy linux) only as supporter of the (good) idea, not because it would be useful: I is absolutely not useful now!
Korean: it is not my language at all - I live in company of very performing Korean peoples next from Dusseldorf, the European Japanese capital, reason why a lot of other Asian people lives also here, Korean, Chinese and other companies
(my own employer, a big German town, belong more than own industrial company and did stop the production in Europe to produce in China and India ;-) ! That is the reality in Europe! And German people don't worry: Actually, no unemployment in Germany, only in the last years, in the new time not!), and I try to learn a bit their languages, as the language is often the mirror of the soul of each human. More not. But I did learn, beginning to learn the Korean language, that the concision and exactly accomplishment are a great quality of Korean people (more than Japanese: for conventions can the Japanese man sacrifice an extreme lot of time!) This make the Korean language very interesting for me (I understand some quantity of Japanese, Chinese, Hindi and Russian, in Russian, my "Russian" I can thing in that tongue. But I did never have contact with Russian people...).
I can not help in Korean: I have to learn it (a lot more) before!
I did help in SliTaz in German, in Puppy Forum in English, French and German (you will find different tutors step by step from me in the Puppy Forum, one of the only one forums never destroyed since 2005, tutors in those 3 languages although my English is bad, I did never learn it... I did register Mai 2005 at the Puppy forum. In SliTaz of course later as SliTaz newer is (2008/2009 says Wikipedia) and Wiki and Forums did be erased and the place taken by newers...)
Perhaps I would find here in Dusseldorf helpers in Korean... if it would be useful to use SliTaz in Korean!
If not, not (my actual Ubuntu full installation did happen in Korean: it works pretty! All things...)
Which argument would be in favor of SliTaz excepted to develop "new land"?
Posted 7 years ago # -
I can not help in Korean
You can. You said that you use Ubuntu, and you said that the programs you need work there normally.
You can tell the names of that programs.
You can search internet to find the official pages where you can get the source (desirable but not necessary).
I can make the packages. You can test them.And I want you to know that it's so difficult to perceive such sheets of text. Especially, when after reading it turns out that there was nothing said in substance in this text...
Posted 7 years ago # -
oui : When i first came here, i thought you spoke Korean. :)
Posted 7 years ago #
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