I looked at the os-prober code and found that if I was to put a text file in as follows, it will find it and configure correctly. Because my linux scripting is new, it took 3 hours and I'm sure you guys could do it better, but at least it works so I can tell what os is on the partition. It won't let me upload the script as a file, so I'll paste it in here.
echo "init-slackware-version - Initializes /etc/slackware-version file so that"
echo " os-prober will find it and use it to label slitaz better. The script"
echo " needs to be executed with authority to create/overwite in /etc"
release=<code>cat /etc/slitaz-release</code>
echo "slitaz release is: $rel"
uname -a | awk -v rel="$release" '{print $1 " " $2 " " rel " " $3 " Kernel"}' > /etc/slackware-version