I have a Panasonic cf-28. Pent 3(M)800mhz and 500 mb ram. It will run Slitaz 4 fine. It will run Slitaz 3 xvesa but not the 'plain' version. However I cannot get it to boot 5. It goes through the motions and then hangs on a blank screen. In a previous thread Kultex suggested that I choose slitaz core live and add nomodeset to the bootline. This doesn't help and makes no difference.
I would really like to get this running 5. The grapics chip in this is an Intel 82830M.
My Linux skill is low so please spell it out in simple terms if you can help.
Thanks in anticipation.

Help on installing Slitaz 5
(12 posts) (3 voices)-
Posted 7 years ago #
Try placing
(see http://forum.slitaz.org/topic/pb-booting-on-a-asus-x201e#post-23942).If it doesn't work, add
at the end of the kernel line and see if you can boot in console mode.Posted 7 years ago # -
Thanks Ceel.,
Well there's good news and bad news. 'nomodeset' has done it. I was able to run slitaz 5 as live. Installed it choosing the dual boot with Windows option. When grub starts I do not get the option to boot Windows, just the boot into slitaz and after editing the boot options to include nomodeset again I get a working slitaz 5.
The HDD is split in 2 with XP on a ntfs partition and slitaz on ext2 with a swap on the end of the drive.
I think I need to edit the boot menu list which I've found how to do via settings but what to put?
How can I get the dual boot please.Posted 7 years ago # -
normally you should find in your menu.lst an entry for your windowsXP - something like
title Microsoft Windows XP Professional
rootnoverify (hd0,0)
chainloader +1https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/GRUB_Error_Reference
Posted 7 years ago # -
I'm not sure if this is a bug but installing 5 using the option to dual boot with Windows does not work. I have tried it several times and it definitely doesn't work. Grub just has the option to boot slitaz. Installing 4 brings up the dual boot option in grub perfectly. So is this an issue with 5?
Posted 7 years ago # -
I meat this problem with SliTaz 4.0. I don't know if it has been fixed since.
I had to modify manually menu.lst (http://forum.slitaz.org/topic/slitaz-4-0#post-8831).Look in tazinst.log if you can see a message similar to "Warning: No Windows partition found. Dual-boot disabled"
Posted 7 years ago # -
This is rather embarrassing. I have previously got 5 to boot but have come back to it after a period of activity. I know I had to put nomodeset but can't recall exactly where or how I did this. Can someone spell it out for me in very simple terms please.
Posted 6 years ago # -
from where do you boot - stick or CD
on CD you just use tab (left of Q)
on the stick I think you edit the isolinx.cfg ???? - its a long time I booted from stick
Posted 6 years ago # -
I boot from a cd kultex. This laptop does not boot from USB. I'll have amp other try. Thanks
Posted 6 years ago # -
@ terrybull,
This laptop does not boot from USB
This is out off topic but if you have Grub installed on your computer, you can boot from USB:
- download Plop Boot Manager here: https://download.plop.at/files/bootmngr/plpbt-5.0.15.zip
- unzip the file;
- copy the plpbt.bin file from /plpbt-5.0.15 repertory of the uncompressed archive to your HD (say in /boot);
- add the following entry in the Grub's configuration file
# Boot from USB
title Boot from USB port
kernel (hd0,0)/boot/plpbt.bin hiddenusb
Your computer should be able now to boot from USB; the device must be connected before you select the entry.
If you don't have Grub installed, it must be possible to boot from USB too but the way to do it is different according your Windows. If you are interested, tell me what version of Windows you use and I'll have a look.
Posted 6 years ago # -
It's been a while but I have some free time and have come back to try and get slitaz 5 to run on this cf 28 toughbook.
Plop does not work with this machine so it has to be a cd. I still cannot get it to work. Just get a black screen. Can someone explain exactly where I put nomodeset set as I just cannot get it to boot to a working desktop.
Thanks.Posted 6 years ago # -
Disregard the above. I realised that you have to put
Slitaz nomodeset.
I was just putting nomodeset without the slitaz.Posted 6 years ago #
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