hence, stick with 32bit slitaz + PAE slitaz supporting up to 64GB ram + ARM version
for which we need only one set of packages, 32 bits packages, which will run on 386 and PAE.
(Furthermore, a number of packages WOULD create problems of some sort to run on a 64 bits plateform
eg: Wine, Skype, which I consider both as being mandatory for a decent desktop).
So to our dearest friends of the developping team, time to shift focus away from a pure 64 bits Slitaz, what do you think ?
The time that would be saved, in terms of systems developpment, applications availability, support on the forum... would probably be worth it, right ? and we could use the saved time on QUALITY delivery: more testing, more beta testing, better documentation, etc. which would fuel a virtual loop, hopefully....