I want to learn using vi, so I'm using it. Didn't expect you can do all those customisations. But on SliTaz, it seems like I can't do any. Syntax highlighting would be nice, but I can do without it (didn't find the right plugin anyway).
What bugs me is that I can't turn on numbers. I think those are rather necessary. SliTaz is my favorite distribution, so I can forgive that, but couldn't it be solved? Pretty please?
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How do I configure vi in SliTaz 5.0?
(3 posts) (2 voices)-
Posted 6 years ago #
By default vi is a link to busybox.
Install the vim package.
# tazpkg get-install vimPosted 6 years ago # -
Thank you! For me, this enabled Syntax highlighting and numbering! When the question
Do you want vim for /bin/vi (y/N) ?
was asked, I didn't do anything, and now I can start it by typing
vim /path/to/document
Posted 6 years ago #
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