I downloaded and installed the 5.0 cooking version of slitaz. I also downloaded the packages-cooking.iso. I have plenty of space on the flashdrive I burned the slitaz-5.0-rc2.iso to if I could extract it to a folder there somehow. Once I get it onto the system with slitaz running on it, how do I get it to come up in the package manager, or if it can't do that easily, how do I install packages from it via the terminal command line?
Of course, I looked in the handbook before I posted this and searched this forum, but perhaps I just wasn't looking for it correctly, so if instructions already exist, please just refer me to a link if you can, please.
BTW, your handbook is the first I found that gave actual almost working instructions for a "manual install". I only say almost because it might be a little dated and maybe rootfs.gz was once one file and the instructions never got changed when it was split into 4 files, but putting an asterisks in the commands worked once I saw what was there. My machine can't boot from DVD because its flaky, and the BIOS is too old to boot from USB, so I had to load it to USB and boot from floppy, and then do the install from the USB, which the installer didn't like. Anyway, I got it installed just fine, but now am looking to add packages and tazpkg doesn't show any...
Thanks for any help/hints...