How do i stop Slitaz 3.0 from booting into my box?

How To
(8 posts) (4 voices)-
Posted 12 years ago #
Posted 12 years ago # -
Say hello is better to get an answer and "How to" as title don't meant anything...
Posted 12 years ago # -
I originally wanted to say "Take the LiveCD out and reboot?", but I resisted.
Posted 12 years ago # -
lol me too :-)
Posted 12 years ago # -
No, whenever I boot Slitaz 3.0 it goes into text mode and says "welcome to your box".
I want to know how i can stop this from happening.Posted 12 years ago # -
It appears that you have set an incorrect graphics driver which causes the X to fail and hence taking you to text mode login. Check what sort of video card you are using and load the appropriate driver. If you do a search for doco there will be detailed description on how to do this.
Posted 12 years ago # -
Ever read PCFormat's Ask Luis section? To quote him: "The less information you give me the further back I have to start on the diagnosis table". I can also quote the question to which he said this: "My computer doesn't work sometimes".
To the point, you're not giving us anything to work with. Here's some possible reasons to your problems off the top of my head:
1. You downloaded the slitaz-base iso (only 8MB) instead slitaz 3 iso (which is 30MB). To fix download the right iso.
2. You have an incompatible video card that xorg can't use. Try logging in and typing xstart. If it throws an error, then it may be an incompatiblity issue. To fix try the xvesa flavor.
3. You have an corrupt iso or CD/USB copy. This can happen if the download gets interrupted or you use one of those download managers that split up the files it download. The write process can also cause this. Possible fixes is to use a different device, CD or program. Cleaning the writer might also help. Remember to re-download the iso without a download manager.
4. You're system doesn't have atleast 192MB of RAM to run the LiveCD. To fix use either the loram iso (needs 80MB of RAM) or loram-cdrom iso (needs 48MB of RAM). This is only valid for graphical LiveCD sessions, because once you have installed SliTaz, it only needs 32MB of RAM to work.Before you complain about it, the default login details are tux without a password and root with the password root for the root account.
You also download all the above mentioned isos from
Although it would be a lot more help to us and you if you actually give us your computer's specifications
Posted 12 years ago #
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