I want to enable my firewall permanently on Slitaz 5.0 Rolling Core ISO. How can I do that? Please advice

How To Enable Firewall?
(6 posts) (3 voices)-
Posted 6 years ago #
1. Search the documentation
2. Read the documentation:
http://doc.slitaz.org/en:handbook:networkconf?s=firewall&s=conf#manage-the-firewall-firewall-using-iptablesP.S. There is also a package ufw in slitaz repositories, you may know it from Ubuntu or mint (uncomplicated firewall), but it is set up from command line. Install it:
#tazpkg -gi ufwHow to operate it you can probably type $man ufw or $ufw --help at terminal and read the doc. You may also read here instructions how it is operated at Ubuntu.
https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFWI haven't found a corresponding guwf (graphic interface to ufw). But it isn't really necessary, command line ufw package is straightforward enough to setup as I know it from Ubuntu, haven't tried it on slitaz though.
Posted 6 years ago # -
root@slitaz:/tmp# /etc/init.d/firewall status
===================== SliTaz firewall statistics =====================
Kernel security: enabled
Netfilter/iptables rules:
/etc/init.d/firewall: line 85: iptables: not found
Posted 6 years ago # -
try if installing iptables as root helps:
tazpkg -gi iptables
Posted 6 years ago # -
Its what I read in the above doc "Manage the Firewall (firewall) using Iptables SliTaz provides a very basic firewall, the kernel security rules are launched at boot time and iptables rules are disabled by default. You can activate/disable these at startup by using the configuration file /etc/firewall.conf."
-As Erkan replied already
-Or #hwsetup firewall (read here: http://forum.slitaz.org/topic/firewallPosted 6 years ago # -
Thank you so much to all of you.
Posted 6 years ago #
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