So I download v5 iso and install in virtualbox. Cant get X to work. No screen found. No matter
Tazpkg recharge -> Tazpkg upgrade
I install Slitaz-toolchain, bc, ncurses-dev, perl, and linux-source.
I issue: /usr/bin/get-linux-source
and it hangs for as long as I let it. Then it dawns on me that Slitaz does not ship with working internet so I download wget with Tazpkg -gi wget.
Reissue command. /usr/bin/get-linux-source
It completes!
I cd to /usr/src/linux-3.16.55
Guess what I see. Only Slitaz patches.
That is the only thing that shows up for building kernel for documentation.
Does anyone have a working method on how to rebuild kernel for Slitaz 5? I need to do this as many items come with acpi atlas button controller including some models of eeepc by Asus. My hardware in particular has this needed functionality as there is a directional pad on the front of my old hardware tablet computer: webdt366. Slitaz has never included this as a kernel module or as built in so I am forced to rebuild. Only tools are not working.
Is there anything I am not doing correctly? Is there better documentation to refer to?
I went in to the 3.16.55 directory and manually tried to wget the correct kernel from however when I went to decompress it the tar error indicated that there were too many levels of symlinks. Move it out one directory and it decompresses fine but I can see from here that unless your integrations get included I will not be able to make a .tazpkg out of my efforts.
So please team Slitaz. Please do enlighten on how a user in need of redoing the kernel can accomplish this on v5?