(2) or (3) at "boot baby boot" type after boot: slitaz screen=text option before it boots.
Enter key to initiate boot.
Maybe you can at least get a login prompt.
If you get login prompt, login as root password root
Type reboot
(2) or (3) at "boot baby boot" type after boot: slitaz nomodeset option before it boots.
Enter key to initiate boot.
Maybe you can get to slim login screen and desktop.

How to install into USB without CD
(17 posts) (2 voices)-
Posted 13 years ago #
slitaz nomodeset
I'm now typing from Slitaz.I also made LiveUSB following the instruction ==> http://doc.slitaz.org/en:handbook:liveusb
Thank you very much mojo!!!
Posted 13 years ago #
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