Hi all,
I have a UMID Mbook M1 UMPC. How do you install the touchscreen drivers for it on Siltaz?
Hi all,
I have a UMID Mbook M1 UMPC. How do you install the touchscreen drivers for it on Siltaz?
Hi there...
do you have any more details?
I'd suggest you install usbutils, enter lsusb
and find the according Device and Vendor id (which will be displayed as "ABCD:EFGH").
If you can't find it on the USB, it might be connected via PCI, then install pciutils, enter lspci -nv
and search there...
If you can provide these IDs, it might be possible to identify the necessary kernel modules.
Hi, sorry for the late reply.
Nothing that comes back with either of those two commands makes sense to me.
The device needs [an] eGalaxtouch driver (Found here https://www.eeti.com/drivers_Linux.html). Only know this because this is what custom-edited distributions specifically for the Mbook M1 use.
Well, already one step ahead if you know that.
In fact you are right...
I own an ancient WeTab using the same touchscreen internally attached to USB, although it is not listed by lsusb
(weird...) but is shown by usb-devices
and the hardinfo package.
If you use tazpanel and click on "Hardware -> detect PCI/USB" then you should see the "USB TouchController eGalax Inc." as well.
The problem is, that the Slitaz Kernel config did not enable the necessary module hid_multitouch
(at least this made it work for me in combination with TOUCHSCREEN_EETI and TOUCHSCREEN_USB_EGALAX (the latter is present in the Slitaz kernel but does not seem to be enough or right...))
So I am afraid you will have to build your own kernel or at least an external module for your used kernel (look at https://www.kernel.org/doc/html/latest/kbuild/modules.html for example).
With my own kernel (I use a 5.10.3 on the WeTab) the touchscreen worked out of the box, no further configuration or calibration was necessary...
Hope this helps...
Goodness, seems like a lot of messing! Might have to look further into this kernel business if all else fails. For now I am going to see if anyone at the PuppyLinux forum can help with getting the touchscreen working with BionicPup, if not, will have to stick with what is working currently, a custom copy of Ubuntu 9.04 Remix (Albiet, it has it's own issues).
Cheers and thanks :-)
You shouldn't give up so fast, this is not as complicated as it sounds...
I tried this on my machine, you could do it on any of yours running Slitaz 5.0 (since compiling the kernel takes some calculation power, I'd suppose to use a faster machine...)
You can proceed as follows:
1.) login as root (or switch to root rights by typing su
in a shell),
2.) install the necessary toolchain as well as the routine for downloading and pathcing the kernel sources:
tazpkg -gi slitaz-toolchain linux-source
3.) grab the kernel sources:
(this will apply the necessary patches; some son't seem to find the right files, just skip them)
4.) switch to the right directory:
cd /usr/src/linux
5.) configure the kernel (if you just want the extra module, just change this one, if you want to reduce kernel size, play around later with drivers you don't need anyway):
make menuconfig
6.) go to "Device Drivers -> HID support -> Special HID drivers -> HID Multitouch panels" and type M, adding this as a module to the kernel
7.) leave the Kernel Configuration by selecting "Exit" multiple times and answering "Yes" to save your new config
8.) compile the kernel (-j8 means using 8 threads if you have a multithread processor):
make -j8 && make -j8 modules
9.) as soon as finished, you may install the resulting kernel using
a) make install && make modules_install
or, if you use the same kernel already, copy only the needed module to your path:
b) `mkdir -p /lib/modules/3.16.55-slitaz/kernel/drivers/hid/
cp drivers/hid/hid-multitouch.ko /lib/modules/3.16.55-slitaz/kernel/drivers/hid/`
10.) If you just copied the module, you have to make it known to your kernel:
modprobe hid-multitouch
... and that's it! (at least if I didn't miss anything or made any errors.... ;-) )
Since I had to go the way to check that I didn't forget anything, I zipped the resulting module (for slitaz kernel 3.16.55), hoping that in best case, you just have to unzip it and perform steps 9)b) and 10 to get your touchscreen up and running (you should restart your XWindows after step 10 to use the screen...)
Hope this helps!
Still failing with uploads...
put it on my webspace for download if you wish and trust me....
[EDIT: file removed]
I got the touchscreen working perfectly on my Panasonic Toughbook cf-28 in Slitaz 5. Have you tried installing and launching
xinput-calibrator. It’s in the package manager. I had to launch it via terminal, it wouldn’t launch from the menu.
Since the thread is marked as "solved", could you please post what the solution has been, in case others have a similar problem?
Sorry for no responses, had forgotten about this. Will be trying your instructions now and reporting back with the result :)
What are these two instructions for? I am a complete newcomer to Linux.
4.) switch to the right directory:
cd /usr/src/linux
5.) configure the kernel (if you just want the extra module, just change this one, if you want to reduce kernel size, play around later with drivers you don't need anyway):
make menuconfig
Well, in fact I tried to show you the "mighty art of building a linux kernel" step by step.
If you finished steps 1 - 3, the execution of get-linux-source
should have put the kernel source files into the folder /usr/src/linux-[kernel number], which should automatically be complemented with a symbolic link /usr/src/linux.
So if you cd ("change directory") into that directory, you are at the core of the kernel compilation.
make menuconfig
starts an interface, where you can switch on and off MANY MANY components in the kernel. For the time being, you should just ADD on thing, namely the hid-multitouch feature.
In fact, the kernel is somewhat the "(nearly) full collection of drivers" for interaction with a wide spectrum of hardware. This means, that you can (I regularly do) build a linux kernel supporting exactly your hardware, resulting in a kernel of less than 15 MB, including all you need to run your desktop. (Ok, there are additional drivers as an interface to e.g. X-Windows...)
Compared to a Windows installation, this REALLY is a minimal footprint.
I suggest, that you do a StartPage/DuckDuckGo/Google research if you wish to dig deeper into kernel compilation. All in all, it is quite straightforward (if you don't intend to understand every switch...)
Did you download the hid-multitouch.ko file I prepared for you 5 months ago, by the way?
I just found out, that I deleted it from the server...
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