I am with a computer where from my HD can't boot, don't know why. It's an old computer, but I have access to the HD through SliTaz, but this is not the case anyway.
I am using SliTaz from a USB to listen to music. How to save all the changes in the USB?
I want to boot SliTaz with all configs saved, so I don't have to copy the folder of deadbeef to the Desktop and then make all changes to it and the next login do it again.
I tried to create a rootfs.gz but didn't work.

How to make slitaz boot with changes?
(5 posts) (3 voices)-
Posted 13 years ago #
Posted 13 years ago #
Ok, I did this, but now when I try to login with tux if I didn't or input a password it didn't login. I tried to change the password and still don't login.
I only login using root password.Posted 13 years ago # -
I don't know if this is what you are looking for, but it can help.
Boot your Slitaz CD. Make every changes you need to make, and then go System > Create a LiveCD. Here, you can create a Live CD which will keep all the changes and modifications you have made.
Please, remember to use a recent CD in order to avoid problems.
I guess the "home=sdb1" option fails because of the filesystem used. Can someone bring light to this?
Posted 13 years ago # -
What I did now is create a rootfs.gz with the actual state.
Ok, it boots, but I can't login with user acount "tux". What the login says is "Failed to execute login command".
I am using slitaz-cooking and packed rootfs.gz with lzma compression. What I am doing wrong?
I don't have an Internet Connection in my computer I am doing all off-line.Posted 13 years ago #
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