SOLVED!!! Driver Nvidia with rendering OpenGL
Yesterday I broke my system and when reinstalling SliTaz 5 rolling, I didn't know how I had managed to make OpenGL video rendering work. I reinstalled several more times and broke it again every time, installed and uninstalled video drivers without getting it to work .. I don't know how I did it last time, I was literally lost. I went back to this post and decided to try the owner controller.
I followed the instructions of gdsilva - Thank's - and everything worked very well. I describe the process in case someone comes to this thread looking for a solution for their Nvidia card.
1) $ lspci | grep VGA
VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation C61 [GeForce 7025 / nForce 630a].
2) Go to and look for the exact model and select linux operating system (32 bits).
3) Download the driver (in my case:
4) as root: # leafpad /etc/boot/grub/menu.lst and add screen = text before quiet, to restart in text mode.
5) Restart in text mode. User root - and you password.
Go to your file. example: # cd / home / tux / Downloads and run ./
6) The program will guide you and ask for the missing dependencies, in my case as it was a new installation he asked me: glibc, binutils, gcc, make, linux-source. > You already know for each unit write there: # tazpkg -gi glibc and so with the others that you request.
After installing linux-source I requested the kernel sources, then do this: # get-linux-source and wait for the kernel sources to download. If you are prompted for a PATH, ignore and press Enter until finished.
7) After having the dependencies of point 6 and the kernel sources the program must run without problems and its driver will be installed.
At the end he asked me if I wanted to overwrite the configuration files of /etc/init.d/Xorg (option marked NO) and I did YES .. mmmh it seems that it was an error.
To launch the graphical environment type:
# /etc/init.d/slim start
The graphic environment did not start. Maybe I shouldn't overwrite the Xorg configuration files. Then I did:
# tazx > Reconfigure Xorg > Install nv again
# /etc/init.d/slim start (to launch the X) and the magic was done.
It worked perfect !!!
Finally, do not forget to remove screen = text from your grub, as indicated in step 4.
8) Install mesa-demos and run glxgears
CONCLUSION: The Nvidia driver (owner) works very well, excellent I would say. It runs very smoothly and performs much better and faster than when I had installed (I don't know in what way) the driver of the repo .. I still have the doubt of what would be the correct way to use the drivers of the SliTaz repo.