I am trying to get my wifi up on this Dell Insoiron 8600 which has an intel 2200 wireless card. I am a new to Linux but have tried to follow some of the help already posted. For a start I have tried to download the correct package from
http://people.slitaz.org/~mojo/stuff/ipw2200-firmware-3.1.tazpkg but the link seems broken. Can someone in simple easy to follow terms point me in the right direction please. I do not wish to critisise and I realise that Slitaz has a tiny footprint but does getting a wireless card to work have to be so hard.
ipw2200 again
(26 posts) (7 voices)-
Posted 11 years ago #
Open terminal,su password: root
# tazpkg install
Open 2nd terminal to monitor firmware/module load:
tail -f /var/log/messages
Reload module in first terminal:
# modprobe -r ipw2200
# modprobe ipw2200
Applications=>System Tools=>Wifi configuration
Password: root , click OK button
Dbl click WAP to connect, or enter WPA Password: click OK if secure to connect.If you have problems:
Post any errors in 2nd terminal related to wireless firmware when you loaded driver.
Post the output:
lspci -nn
ls /sys/class/net
iwlist scan
cat /etc/network.conf
Posted 11 years ago # -
Hi All
I read all topics about ipw2100 but not solved until now
plz help me to install ipw2100
first open this link http://people.slitaz.org/~mojo/stuff/ipw2200-firmware-3.1.tazpkg
and download this file then extract to folder but i didnt see any file to install (all file not open )
this image contains all file
and another question how to remove protect on folder /lib
sorry i cant upload image:(
plz i want simply method to install ipw2100Posted 11 years ago # -
It's not an archived file, so you extract it. It's a software package, so you install it by double clicking on the file.
Posted 11 years ago # -
Trixar_za thnx for response but after extracting no file
plz whats the name of this file and extension ?Posted 11 years ago # -
After extracting the folder contains this file :
fs (folder) + files.list + md5sum + receipt
Then Fs folder contains : lib( folder) + usr (folder)
lib folder : Firmware then contains ipw2200-bss.fw + ipw2200-ibss.fw+ipw2200-sniffer.fw + license.ipw2200-fwand usr folder contains share folder = license folder = intel-ipw2200 license.txt
which file i can doule clik on it ???
Posted 11 years ago # -
hi Waleed,
i opened a terminal as root (open sakura or xterm and type "su" and "root") and typed afterwards as root "pcmanfm".in it.
the PCMan File Manager opens as root and you have read/write permissions in all folders.
i copied the files from the extracted lib folder into /lib/firmware/
after thati did modprobe -r ipw2200, modprobe ipw2200 and continued with setting up the wlan as known.sorry for my bad english. i hope i could help you.
Posted 11 years ago # -
When I read:
It's not an archived file, so you extract it ...
I understand: "something.tazpkg don't have to be extracted"
Stuffs.tazpkg have to be installed, with a double-click on file Stuffs.tazpkg.
Without any extract protocol too (made by user I mean), Stuffs.tazpkg could be installed with CLI.Are we agree, Trixar_za ?
Posted 11 years ago # -
thanks aniguenni
but i want ask the way or command order to copy files from extract folder to lib/firmwarethnx again boos
Posted 11 years ago # -
Thanks subreptice
but this file Stuffs.tazpkg. dont found in exracting folderPosted 11 years ago # -
ipw2200-firmware-3.1.tazpkg is a file that the package manager (tazpkg) can install without you has something to do other than:
- open a terminal as root and follow mojo's advices http://forum.slitaz.org/topic/ipw2200-again#post-23341
- or as Trixar_za wrote double click on ipw2200-firmware-3.1.tazpkg
to install it.
In the last case you'll have to open a terminal as root and follow mojo's instructions from
# modprobe -r ipw2200 # modprobe ipw2200 ...
Posted 11 years ago # -
thx for response but in this topic
open a terminal as root and follow mojo's advices http://forum.slitaz.org/topic/ipw2200-again#post-23341 when i write
root@slitaz:/home/tux# tazpkg install ipw2200-firmware-3.1.tazpkg
the result unable to find ipw2200-firmware-3.1.tazpkg ??????????????
what can i do ??
in other way when i downlioad the foder ipw2200-firmware-3.1.tazpkg from site : https://www.box.com/s/txrza4hih9d9tvniuy3f
and then when double click on ipw2200-firmware-3.1.tazpkg sysrem give me please choose an application from the following lists or enter the command live by hand
and when search in application not found any program to open ipw2200-firmware-3.1.tazpkgplease help me and sorry for my bad english
Posted 11 years ago # -
Could you please try:
in terminal, as root,tazpkg install /home/tux/ipw2200-firmware-3.1.tazpkg
cause I'm not sure tazpkg understand relative path.
Posted 11 years ago # -
thx alot Subreptic
plz give me corresponding module of e1000
and how to install thisPosted 11 years ago # -
(in terminal, as root, tazpkg install /home/tux/ipw2200-firmware-3.1.tazpkg hadn't work ?)
Module of e1000 corresponding with what ? Have look here to find version of module corresponding with your hardware=
http://hardware4linux.info/module/e1000/You stopped trying to configure wifi, and we now configure ethernet link, right ?
For installing, you know, I have nothing more precise and more pertinent than other answers on this forum,
they are a lot more experienced than me ...Posted 11 years ago #
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