IRC meeting this friday at 20:00 UTC
(3 posts) (2 voices)-
Hi all, I'm organizing an IRC meeting this evening at 20:00 to discuss cooking/4.0 release, dedicated server and get in touch with you all because you are missing me :-) You can use your favorite IRC client such as LostIRC, Xchat, Pidgin or use the new page on slitaz.org with any browser: http://is.gd/TazIRC - ChristophePosted 13 years ago #
So it was a productive evening :-) A nice talk with nice people, love you guys!
* We have started 4.0 release notes: http://doc.slitaz.org/relnotes
* We have set release tasks ans timeline for 4.0: http://doc.slitaz.org/en:cookbook:reltasks
* We will have a dedicated server and fund raising have been started and we looking for sponsors
* We will have nice T-Shirt for and for Solution Linux 2012 in Paris- Christophe
Posted 13 years ago # -
:( i have read this post just the night :(
how it was ?
lot of user?
lot of idea?dedicated server...sponsor..we want know all, lot of detail :)
hey i know pe internet exist technic for make "sondage"
il y a des techniques pour faire des sondages, il serait peut etre aussi sympa d en mettre un en place, en detaillant les futurs idées et, voir ce qui plairait le plus au futur users.ca peut etre egalement etre une bonne idée, pour avoir un recul sur une direction a prendre
Christophe encore une foi, toi et la core team, vous etes des b.OS.s
================raphael happy slitaz user
Posted 13 years ago #
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