I'm having strange problems installing Slitaz to HD.
On the Live CD, I copy a just-downloaded iso to /home/tux (I have tried with rolling and rolling-core with the same result).
Then, I launch the installer and select iso, and it shows the correct path.
However, the install is aborted, and the log shows the following error:
10 Preparing source media...
Creating mount point: /media/source...
/home/tux/slitaz-rolling.iso: md5 file not found, cannot check integrity.
mount: /media/source: /home/tux/slitaz-rolling.iso is already mounted.
Error: /home/tux/slitaz-rolling.iso: Failed to mount ISO.
Process not completed
=== Tazinst error on 01/11/2021 06:57:55 PM ===
I used the same method countless times before (since at times Slitaz has problems finding the correct USB) and I have never had any troubles.
I have tried several times, changing iso and burning the iso to the USB again, always with the same result.
The message says the iso is already mounted, but I did not mount it at all, just copied it to the /home/tux folder from the HD.
Also, I never needed to place the md5 file with the iso before.
By the way, how come the installer does not offer an option to install from the live system itself as a source?
Wouldn't that be a good option?