Hello everyone, i want to install wine directly on my ssd card , is that posible? I mean, i don't whant that run from ram. Sorry for my English.
Slitaz is the best! Woohooo

Issue about installing packages
(9 posts) (3 voices)-
Posted 1 year ago #
Is SliTaz installed on the SSD card?
Posted 1 year ago # -
Hello Ceel, it's not installed, i use Slitaz whit ventoy.
Posted 1 year ago # -
Hi SlitazLover,
Not sure you can do it ?
But think this guide can be help https://doc.slitaz.org/en:guides:lowramcdWith this, you can have custom iso with wine installed and rootfs running from cdrom to save memory can be use for run your app (could be on fs file in usb).
just example you will do (data.fs contain ext filesystem rw) :
mount /mnt/{usb}/data.fs /home/tux/.winePosted 1 year ago # -
Hi Shann, i can't understand how thats tools work hehe. I mean, for example: i have my ssd card whit 3 partitions, first whit ISO files, documents, etc(fat32), second is ventoy exclusive, third is ex3 format. I can install wine in the thrd partition? Maybe using chroot? What do you thing?
Posted 1 year ago # -
Booting from Ventoy, you need to generate a new ISO with wine integrated in the rootfs.
Boot your ISO, install wine, then create the new iso usingtazlito writeiso lzma <your_new.iso>
See the TazLito manual.
Good luck!Posted 1 year ago # -
Hi Ceel, thanks! Actualy tazlito don't whork for me on Slitaz rolling, i use this script to save my changes:
fecha=$(date +%y-%m-%d_%H.%M)
echo "Guardando configuracion.."
tazusb writefs lzmamkdir -p /home/slitaz/hacked
mkdir -p /home/slitaz/src
cd /home/slitaz/hackedmkdir /tmp/loop
mount -o loop /media/VENTOY/BOOTISOS/slitaz_core.iso /tmp/loop
mkdir rootcd
cp -a /tmp/loop/* rootcd
umount /tmp/loopcp -a /rootfs.gz rootcd/boot
genisoimage -R -o $nombreISO -b boot/isolinux/isolinux.bin \
-c boot/isolinux/boot.cat -no-emul-boot -boot-load-size 4 \
-V "SliTaz-ES" -input-charset iso8859-1 -boot-info-table rootcdI want to install packages (whitout compresiĆ³n) out of the iso, in one partition or folder. Maybe it's not posible whit the Slitaz tools, but i Will find the answer hehe.
Posted 1 year ago # -
Not sure to understand clearly what you are trying to do. What do you mean by
I want to install packages (whitout compresiĆ³n) out of the iso, in one partition or folder
SliTaz doesn't allow to load/unload apps on the fly like on some modular distros.
It exists a way to have apps installed at boot without having them in the ISO, activating the persistence mode. For example, if you want that wine is installed at boot:
- create a directory
on an external media (or a partition of your HD), say a USB stick; - copy in this directory the wine package and all its dependencies that are not already in the ISO;
- boot from Ventoy and when the SliTaz menu displays, hit the [TAB] key to add the boot parameter
at the entry: if the media where you stored the.tazpkg
will be seen assdb1
, addhome=/dev/sdb1
(you can also use its UUID to declare the/home
Hit [Enter] to valid; SliTaz will install the
during the boot, and will create (or use if it already exists) a/tux
directory in the root of the media where the documents and the configuration of the tux user will be saved.Posted 1 year ago # - create a directory
Hi Ceel, check this, is exaxtly what i mean:
https://forum.slitaz.org/topic/my-rootfsgz-has-gone-too-large#post-5737I'm gonna try it!
Posted 1 year ago #
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