how do I get slitaz to make JWM the default WM upon login? Thank you!
how do I get slitaz to make JWM the default WM upon login? Thank you!
1. Install the jwm package.
2. Go to Applications--> Preferences--> Favorite Applications.
3. Change Windows Manager to jwm and click change.
4. Log out. At the login screen press F1 until it says JWM and then login in.
Thank you, Trixar. This was exactly what I was looking for.
What is the shutdown command used for Slitaz to halt the computer? I would like to add it to my .jwmrc
I'm used to shutdown -h now
Your question contains the answer: just type 'halt'. :)
shutdown -h now => shuts down linux and hardware
poweroff => shuts down linux and hardware
halt=> shuts down linux only,hardware is on
Commands executed by tazbox logout dialog
*exit) openbox --exit || jwm -exit ;;
*reboot) reboot ;;
*halt) poweroff ;;
What's the difference between shutting down linux/hadware or just linux?
I understand the hardware works, but what's considered linux and what's considered hardware? ALSA = hardware?
Actually, I just want both shutdown, so I'll use poweroff
ALSA and the Linux Kernel are software to manage system hardware. They aren't physical devices so they cannot be hardware.
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