I was never able to burn SliTaz 5 on USB memory.
I try Unetbootin and it does not work. Always leave kernel panic.
How to record the iso in usb memory?

Kernel Panic - burn memory USB
(5 posts) (3 voices)-
Posted 7 years ago #
Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block ??????
Maybe somthing wrong in the configuration file of the boot loader; please post it.
How did you create your Live.3.2.53-slitaz
This ISO is too old; use the rolling ISO.
Posted 7 years ago # -
Posted 7 years ago #
Can you try this ?
1) boot your USB stick on 'Web boot' and select 'SliTaz Web boot' and 'SliTaz rolling'
2) as root type 'blkid' or 'fdisk -l' to find the USB stick name, say /dev/sdc
3) as root type 'dd if=/path/to/the/rolling.iso of=/dev/sdc'Windows tools are too clever to do simple things.
Edit: maybe a safer way
1) rename slitaz-rolling.iso to slitaz.exe
2) run slitaz.exePosted 7 years ago # -
I booted the USB stick on "Web boot" and works well
Posted 7 years ago #
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