Linuxian are really poor people (::): they have no choices concerning HTML editors with WYSYG performances.
As kompoZer is yet online at I did download it and try to install. And after that to start. But nothing to do: It creates a subdir in /home/tux, also starts but nothin appears. doing the same from console do nothing more (error message in console: «kompozer can't start!»)
So I did install Seamonkey. But I will only start the integrated kompoZer version and IRC with it and would like to have an icon and separate menu item for both (Applications > accessories in case of kompoZer alt. Applications > internet in cazse of IRC) as it is current in LibreOffice!
How to install realize that in Slitaz?
How to remove if possible the main menu item and icon for seamonkey browser (I will avoid that some one at my PC can open that non secure browser! I only will it because of kompoZer)?