I'm using the 32 bit Sliltaz 5 rolling on an old Panasonic cf-28. I use a pcimcia wifi card which has a rt2500 chipset. Today I installed the latest updates and it took the firmware to version 3:16:55. In doing so the wifi card doesn't work nor sound. To get the sound and network back I've used a live cd and done an 'upgrade' of the installation and the wifi and sound are now back. I've installed all the updates again except thr firmware upgrade 3:16:55 sound 3:16:55 and wifi 3:16:15.
Shall I just block these upgrades or can I get the wifi and sound working following an upgrade.
Thanks but bear in mind my Linux skill is very basic.

Latest firmware upgrade breaks my wifi
(7 posts) (2 voices)-
Posted 6 years ago #
Can anyone help on this please.
Posted 6 years ago # -
Hi terrybull,
First, it isn't "firmware 3:16:55" but "Linux kernel 3.16.55".
Second, Kernel's upgrade requires rebooting to take effect.
I not sure you made it reading your first post.Posted 6 years ago # -
Thanks for your reply but bear in mind I'm not as Linux literate as you. Okay so when I did the latest round up updates I saw in the upgrade list among a others were 3 items namely firmware upgrade 3:16:55 sound 3:16:55 and wifi 3:16:55. which when I rebooted the wifi and sound don't work. I would like to keep my system up to date but obviously need sound and wifi. So how can I update the Kernel but retain wifi and sound please.
Posted 6 years ago # -
I don't ask any science at all :-)
What is the version of your package named "linux"?
Note, Linux Kernel modules packages (like "linux-sound" and "linux-wireless") should mathch the version of the main Linux Kernel package (named just "linux").
Kernel will not find it's modules if versions didn't match.
To find out info of the package "linux" you can open the terminal and issue the command:
tazpkg info linux
To find out which Kernel is running just now issue the command:
uname -r
Posted 6 years ago # -
TazPkg information
Package : linux
State : installed package
Version : 3.16.55
Category : base-system
Short desc : The Linux kernel and modules.
Maintainer : devel@slitaz.org
License : GPL2
Depends : kmod
Build deps : perl git xz lzma patch kmod uclibc-cross-compiler-x86_64 bc
sysfsutils-dev libtool glib-dev libwrap libwrap-dev udev-dev
Web site : https://www.kernel.org/
Size : 7M/8.3M
================================================================================david@slitaz:~$ uname -r
3.16.55-slitazPosted 6 years ago # -
Looks like you need to repeat this your step:
To get the sound and network back I've used a live cd and done an 'upgrade' of the installation and the wifi and sound are now back.
And never upgrade any "linux-*" package.
You can also block them to not to update them accidently.Posted 6 years ago #
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