The handbook indicates that lighttpd is started automatically at boot.
However, I don't see /etc/lighttpd or /var/www.
What am I missing?

lighttpd not started
(8 posts) (4 voices)-
Posted 13 years ago #
go to the slitaz control box and add it to the run daemons section, which its self just adds it to a txt file somewhere.
Posted 13 years ago # -
Thanks for your reply.
- I downloaded and installed slitaz 3.0.
- I can browse the internet with midori.
- I have added lighttpd to "Run daemons" in the control box.
- I rebooted.
- lighttpd is in /etc/rcS.conf
- "ps | grep lighttpd" doesn't show it's running.Posted 13 years ago # -
Spider button/System Tools/Show boot log:
Starting web server: LightTPD... [ OK ]From xterm:
Stopping web server: LightTPD... [ OK ]
root@slitaz:/home/tux# /etc/init.d/lighttpd start
Starting web server: LightTPD... [ OK ]
root@slitaz:/home/tux# ps | grep lighttpd
1140 www /usr/sbin/lighttpd -f /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.confRecheck /etc/rcS.conf
RUN_DAEMONS="dbus hald slim portmap unfsd cupsd samba lighttpd"Check and delete if you find a stale pid :
#rm /var/run/lighttpd.pidPosted 13 years ago # -
Thanks for trying to help.
This is a clean install (other than me adding lighttpd to Run daemons).There is no lighttpd in /etc/init.d
There is no lighttpd in /etc
I rechecked /etc/rcS.conf:
RUN_DAEMONS="dbus hald firewall slim lighttpd"I checked the boot log. There was one "Failed"
Starting udev daemon ... [Failed]
Everything else ... [OK]
The last entry is slim (not lighttpd).Posted 13 years ago # -
You need to install the lighttpd package first. It doesn't come bundled with SliTaz 3 anymore (it was however part of SliTaz 1 and 2)
Posted 13 years ago # -
Thanks, the handbook and some reviews needs to be updated
with your information. After installing the lighttpd
package, it seems to be working fine. (Issue closed.)Posted 13 years ago # -
Sometimes the solution is installing the software.
Slitaz-2.0 doesn't include lighttpd.
Thanks ;)Posted 13 years ago #
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