it is about 2 days after a system update on slitaz cooking and I am noticing this line in boot
! Missing module : agpgart_intel
why? and what's the solution?

! Missing module : agpgart_intel
(6 posts) (4 voices)-
Posted 9 years ago #
The error is caused by /sbin/tazhw
/etc/init.d/rcS runstazhw init
only if /var/lib/detected-modules is empty or doesn't exist.
Open terminal as root user:
tazhw init
cat /var/lib/detected-modules
If there is a list of modules you should no longer see the error in the boot messages.Posted 9 years ago # -
@mojo, I have the same error message and I do have the /var/lib/detected-modules file but the error message still comes up - it does not however, seem to have any adverse effects....just curious.
Posted 9 years ago # -
Check /etc/rcS.conf LOAD_MODULES=
There is no agpart_intel module. tazpkg finds agp-intel and agpgart
tazhw is combining the two module names into one.
Then it adds agpart_intel to /var/lib/detected-modules and /etc/rcS.conf LOAD_MODULES= so it errors when it tries to load on boot.Posted 9 years ago # -
Thanks for the explanation. I simply removed agpgart_intel from rcS.conf and now it is all good.
Posted 9 years ago # -
Posted 9 years ago #
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