Does anyone know how to mount an hpfs/ntfs harddisk from the live slitaz session. The harddisk shows up as an unmounted device in the mountbox application, but it does not mount with this application or from the console with the mount command. The error with the mount command is "mount: mounting /dev/hda1 on /mnt/harddisk failed: Invalid argument". Any help is appreciated.

Mount HPFS/NTFS HardDisk
(10 posts) (4 voices)-
Posted 13 years ago #
do you have the necessary packages ? (ntfs-3g, ntfsprogs)
Posted 13 years ago # -
Yes, according to the package manager, ntfs-3g and ntfsprogs are installed. For what it's worth, Debian 6.0 Live will mount the drive without any apparent problem. Also, I don't know if it may be a related problem, I cannot find or mount any usb flash drives. The usb controllers are listed by lspci, but the system does not seem to know they are there. Again, for what it's worth, there is no problem mounting usb flash drives with Debian 6.0 Live. Any ideas about that? Thanks for your interest and help.
Posted 13 years ago # -
i use on slitaz 3.0 the syntax
ntfsmount device mount_point {-o options}
I didn't get problems in the past.
Best regards
ChristianPosted 13 years ago # -
With both slitaz stable 3.0 and the latest cooking version of slitaz I cannot mount the hpfs/ntfs harddrive. The command ntfsmount /dev/hda1 /mnt/harddisk results in the error messages "Failed to startup volume: Invalid argument. Failed to mount '/dev/hda1': Invalid argument. The device '/dev/hda1' doesn't have a valid NTFS. ... Mount failed." This is an hpfs drive formatted with os/2 (ecomstation) not an ntfs drive formatted by windows. Perhaps that is a factor, but the drive is successfully mounted by debian 6.0 live. Any further comment or help is appreciated.
Posted 13 years ago # -
Because there are different kinds of NTFS formats, some of which use obscure encoding with it. The trouble with this is that SliTaz 3 uses an older Busybox, which means we both have a reduced mount command, but also that it doesn't support ALL the mountable formats - Yet. What also should be noted here is that your using some obscure OS/2 format here.
For the record, I have a NTFS drive (formatted on Windows XP) and it mounts fine.
Now just because you keep bringing it up with every post, here's the main differences between SliTaz 3 and Debian 6:
1. Debian 6 uses bash and the GNU tools for all it's functions while SliTaz 3 tends to uses Busybox to do most of their work.
2. Debian 6 got released in 2 months ago while SliTaz 3 got released last year March.
3. Debian has been in development since 1993 while SliTaz has only been around since 2006.
4. Debian has tens of thousands contributors while SliTaz only has a handful of developers.
5. SliTaz was created from scratch and isn't based on ANY other Linux distro out there.
And the list can go on and on.Anyway, if you want something that's Debian based and has all it's functionality and support, while also being lightweight, then maybe give Puppy Lupu a try. It's based on Ubuntu 10.04, so it should work well with most of your devices.
Posted 13 years ago # -
Thank you for your comments and information. I appreciate all of your points. I have looked at puppy but am not fond of it. I really like slitaz but wish it would work as well as debian. These issues with things not working correctly can be very frustrating for the casual user. Nevertheless, I will continue to use slitaz because it is very nice and hopefully will be better as time goes on. Thanks for your interest.
Posted 13 years ago # -
It could be HAL or udev failing to work. The older SliTaz 3 still heavily relies on the older HAL manager to deal with most hardware detection. In fact udev fails to start properly in SliTaz 3 because it's called to early, so USB devices don't get mounted and detected at boot like it should.
The newer cooking versions are taking a more udev route like every other modern Linux. PCManfm could also be what's causing a snag, because PCManFM depends on HAL to work. Maybe give XFCE a try. Some people prefer it over SliTaz's default (slightly lighter) Desktop interface.
Posted 13 years ago # -
You are probably right, there is some problem with hardware detection and loading of kernel modules. I am having the same difficulty with both slitaz stable 3.0 and the latest cooking version of slitaz. For the usb flash drives there are no kernel modules loaded, and, I guess, no modules for the hard drive either. It's too bad, because otherwise slitaz runs very well on this old dell machine with a pentium iii at 600 mhz and 512 mb or ram. Thanks for your interest.
Posted 13 years ago # -
As stated in the post about mounting usb flash drives, I have been able to mount the flash drive and the cdrom using pcmanfm. The hard disk still cannot be mounted, perhaps, as suggested previously, due to an unusual hpfs file format produced by os/2 (ecomstation). Thanks to everyone for their interest and discussion.
Posted 13 years ago #
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