I want to create a dedicated topic for this problem. We already discussed it with Aleksej and mojo from this post on: http://forum.slitaz.org/topic/openchrome-video-driver#post-39141
After we could not find any solution other than that my CF card might be damaged, I reinstalled SliTaz on the same CF card. Initially I could connect to wireless network via a program in Main Menu->Preferences->WiFi Configuration, but not with the boot script which never could connect to sonfigured connection.
Then I tried a modprobe command (to load temperature sensor) and after that WiFi Configuration didn't show any connections anymore.
I will try to install SliTaz now on another medium, I guess on a USB stick. And try the same to reproduce the error.
Kind regards

no wireless after modprobe
(1 post) (1 voice)-
Posted 9 years ago #
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