Hello everyone,
I'm having a little trouble getting drivers for GeForce Ti 4200 Go working (driver version 96). I have successfully installed the driver, but every time I boot, X does not start and I get a login prompt. Very well, guess I should see what's going on... When I type 'startx' as root, it gives an error and complains that no display is detected. The error is that the PCI device "already has a kernel module claiming it". I have pasted the output of lsmod at http://paste.ubuntu.com/5750394/ - which modules should I remove or blacklist to solve this issue? I already tried "video", but that didn't work.
Thank you!!

Nvidia drivers: "PCI device already has a module claiming it"
(3 posts) (2 voices)-
Posted 11 years ago #
perhaps you have already checked out....
on how to install the non-free nvidia driver?
Posted 11 years ago # -
Thanks, I got it fixed: I opened my /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/60_device (might have been a different file name, on a different comp now) file and changed it so that the Module value was "nvidia" not "nv".
Posted 11 years ago #
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