Hi, I have just allowed a massive upgrade of my SliTaz 4 RC2: linux kernel, openbox, lxpanel, xorg
It has broken:
- automounting of my /home partition: want ext3 rather than ext4 and could not automount it, I've had to edit /etc/fstab and change to ext4: then it has worked as intended
- Since new kernel, wants to probe sound card at boot with dialog menu and cannot find it when I try Intel (no other choice excepted no sound probing): it is audio device from Intel or nVidia chip (I could theorically use either one or the other, I was using Intel one since now). They are still pointed out in
lspci | grep -i audio
. - Xorg cannot use the whole screen, and 'nouveau' seems to be back :-( everything is pushed to right and to bottom, and then rightest and lowest part of screen are out of material device sight surface.
- automount is not possible anymore from PCManFM for my FAT32 data partition (that I was not mounting automatically)
- openbox seems not to work correctly, particularly colors from themes, seems not to be found and libs missing: libobrender (further version installed,
ln -s
made me pass over this step), libobparser (that I was unable to get back from any available package), maybe more ?
I will make some more tests before posting back, just to get ideas written and understand better what really happens.
Firstly, I will try to get back to previous kernel from a SliTaz4 stable ISO image. I am not able at this stage to point out what is really causing all of this: many errors, and just one and many consequences from it ?