I want to turn off the computer (shutdown the system) just like any other electric device - by pressing power button.
I debian I do it configuring xfce4-power-manager, but I dont see it in slitaz packages.
I know it can be achieved without xfce, something with logind and acpi but I dont know how

Power button - shutdown
(4 posts) (3 voices)-
Posted 11 years ago #
I would recommend a program called xbindkeys.
It allows for keys to be bound to a command or action such as play/pause.
I used it on my computer to make the shutdown-button open the shutdown/log out menu in SliTaz.
I also used it to configure the "Access IBM"-button to open control panel (Laptop).Here is a link to some extra info, hopefully you can work it out by yourself otherwise the community is here for your help!
http://forum.slitaz.org/topic/make-fn-keys-work#post-9709Posted 11 years ago # -
Ok, and my two cents :)
http://forum.slitaz.org/topic/fn-key#post-23624I've tried both variants and now stay with openbox variant without xbindkeys.
Xbindkeys is more universal, it only can save your time if your system don't know names of your Fn keys (and show codes only). And it works everywhere, not only in default Openbox.
But Openbox have already big number of binded keys, and I think I don't want one more program to do the same job.
Posted 11 years ago # -
I use openbox shortcuts, eg: win+t = terminal win+f = file manager alt+f2 = gmrun etc.
However I didnt know about:<keybind key="XF86PowerOff">
<action name="Execute">
</keybind>By the way, why reboot and poweroff commands dont require admin/root privileges ?!
Anyway problem solved, thanx!
Posted 11 years ago #
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