Hi, I am trying to see whether I could boot Slitaz on a Dell Inspiron with Pentium III, 128MB RAM and add to the insult ATI Rage Mobility P/M AGP 2x graphics card! The machine belongs to a friend and just curious to see whether Slitaz is up to the task.
This is what I have done so far;
1. Used the Slitaz 5 RC3 to boot. Boot process goes without a problem but after 'Welcome to the box' message the screen goes all funny and then goes totally black and eventually just presents with a Xterm terminal without any lxpanel or icons. Can right click and get to Openbox menu.
2. Used Slitaz 4 loram CDROM ISO - I thought given there is only 128MB RAM I would try this so that the RAM usage is kept to the minimum. Boots process appears to go to the end but the screen goes all dark with graded white patches. Not even the Xterm is presented.
3. Tried Slitaz 4 loram ISO - very similar to 2 above.
Tried Puppy 5.7.1 which boots perfectly well but the browser, Opera, is virtually unusable - very slow.
The system is currently loaded with Windows 2000.
I am hoping that Slitaz loram cdrom ISO should be the ideal and would like to know whether anyone has suggestions to get the Xserver working properly.
Many thanks.