I wanna build a distro but i would like it small not as small as this but small.Also I am building it for gamers so they have max performance.I am just wondering f i have the go ahead to use your distro as base for my distro.
Question about Using this for a Distro?
(11 posts) (6 voices)-
Posted 12 years ago #
Posted 12 years ago #
Question is this built on Debian if not where can I get the list of commands for terminal.Also does this support Graphic Drivers Well and will it play any games well if not ill have ti customize it.Last question can i install this to my HDD or is live only?
Posted 12 years ago # -
why is it http://pizza.slitaz.me/ and not on the slitaz.org site?
I was searching for modified slitaz that comes with media support out of the box, like slitaz vlc (for old machines without internet connection) but is very hard to find from the start page/forums/docs..re
havent posted here since a long time. good to see slitaz going!
Posted 12 years ago # -
it is build from scratch, not Debian based
the command line commands are those of busybox, plus some home-made tools (eg, tazusb) which are provided with Slitaz.
Read the documentation and google busybox for a list of commands.Posted 12 years ago # -
I'm still trying to find where the 'SliTaz is based on Debian' myth started. Just a casual google or search of the forum would tell you otherwise.
Why care if the domain is pizza.slitaz.me and not pizza.slitaz.org? If you bothered to look, you would have noticed we're already using it for an older version of tool. The new tool is still in development, hence the slitaz.me domain.
Posted 12 years ago # -
i wouldnt use any linux distro for a gaming system, since most games are designed for windows. Of course you have wine but it just doesnt work perfect
if you manage to get games working well on linux id be happy to hear about it.Posted 12 years ago # -
You'd be dead wrong.
We recently have gained Steam for Linux systems. Why this big shift? Value doesn't like Windows 8, because tests have shown it's new interface wasn't made for running games. Add to that WINE is adding a built in DirectX support and you'll have a nice little gaming platform. But hey, stick with the losing side...
Posted 12 years ago # -
so youre saying that wine will work perfectly with also the newer games...
almost too good to believe...
should i install slitaz on my new gaming pc?ps how will we get the newest wine on slitaz?
Posted 12 years ago # -
Perfect is a long way off. What I'm saying is that games will start to be made to work with Linux with Steam as the installer. Native is always better than emulation or translation layers.
WINE will always get better as they figure out more of the Windows API calls.
Remember: Sardonic comments will only get you burned.
Posted 12 years ago # -
Im not trying to be sardonic, i WANT slitaz (linux in general) to get good for gaming... But i wont get too excited about it... Indeed steam is a good leap forward in gaming.
Posted 12 years ago #
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