Apache with php-apache fails. It doesn't work.
apache search /usr/share/apache/modules/libphp5.so and cannot find the file.
Php-apache install libphp7.so

Report: apache with php-apache crashes
(2 posts) (1 voice)-
Posted 2 years ago #
Simple solution:
edit line 170 and replace como root:
leafpad /etc/apache/httpd.confReplace: LoadModule php5_module share/apache/modules/libphp5.so
Add: LoadModule php7_module share/apache/modules/libphp7.soThen you must comment line 514 to skip error about Module and SSL Certificate.
#Include /etc/apache/extra/httpd-ssl.confConfigure daemon, so that apache starts with the system and does not conflict with Busibox's httpd. You should replace httpd with apache:
leafpad /etc/rcS.confreplace: RUN_DAEMONS="compcache firewall httpd ntpd"
add: RUN_DAEMONS="compcache firewall apache ntpd"The next time you start your system, Apache is working.
Posted 2 years ago #
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