Thank you, gibor! :D
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(27 posts) (12 voices)-
Posted 8 years ago #
Posted 8 years ago #
Posted 8 years ago #
Posted 8 years ago #
Posted 4 years ago #
Note this PC is for my young kids.
I'd love to get rid of that word "Applications" on the panel but dunno how.
That launcher on the OP, maybe wbar, looks cool, I wonder if it allows single click launch. Or for that matter if there's a way to enable single click launch with the dekstop shortcuts I have now...
edit: I stared at my own attachment and realized (for the first time) my desktop icons weren't perfectly aligned. So I fixed that and edited this message to attach a new screenshot, but dunno how to remove the old one.
Posted 4 years ago # -
R8: I see you have two graphs in your panel, a red and a blue. I have the default one for CPU so familiar with that, but it's white.... what are yours? Is there one for memory, I'd love to throw that in the panel too if it doesn't eat resources; I only have 512M so often its memory I'm more concerned about than CPU.... share details...
Posted 4 years ago # -
1/Remove the word "Applications" on the panel:
Just right clcik on task bar and you will see options to create/configure the panels. Remove the element with the menu and add a new one (menu). My system is in French, it's difficult to explain what to do in English.2/The quick launch panel:
Just right click on the bar below and create a new panel above. In the new panel, add an element to launch applications.3/Graphs: it's a graph with CPU usage (blue) and RAM usage (red). It's called "Moniteur de ressources". In the options, choose that you want to see RAM and CPU.
Posted 4 years ago # -
Thanx and mercis R8. #3 was simple I should have found by exploring. #1 wasn't intuitive since I can't edit the existing one, but once I realized its the icon, yeah, found the slitaz-icon.png and made it that, couldn't find the black&white one, but happy enough. Hardly worth another screenshot in here cuz it's so similar, but I can't resist. This stuff is probably basic for those using this stuff a while, but I'm new, and really really loving Slitaz, it's made this Pentium 4/512mb FAST and I'm still awestruck.
Posted 4 years ago # -
Posted 4 years ago #
What does "hybrid" mean?
Posted 4 years ago # -
Posted 3 years ago #
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