I once had to add the "login=text" boot option to the boot options list in order to solve a graphics problem. This effectively disabled the Slim login manager. Now I removed the boot option and the Slim login manager still isn't showing up. I have to login from the text interface, su, and then start slim myself.
It would be much more convenient to have slim started automatically again. Can someone show me how to enable this?

Slim login manager won't start automatically
(3 posts) (2 voices)-
Posted 12 years ago #
screen=text permanently removes slim from
section of /etc/rcS.conf
Add it back and slim will start on boot.#
leafpad /etc/rcS.conf
Scroll down to this section:
# Daemons to start at boot time. SliTaz only provides a few daemons: firewall,
# Web server (lighttpd), SSH server (dropbear) and rsyncd, so boot order is
# not really important, but dbus/hald should be started before slim.
RUN_DAEMONS="dbus hald firewall slim"Posted 12 years ago # -
Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Posted 12 years ago #
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