... I agree on what you say @kultex, but that ;)
> wrong wireless modules - try to load wl with bootoptions or remove brcmsmac from the modules, add wl to LOAD_MODULES in /etc/rcS.conf or add the brcmsmac firmware to /lib/firmware and make a new iso.
>> sure, lets put it that way, I have a problem, I am enough skilled, I solve it myself, no prob with that, already did that in v4... but its not only *my* problem, here the issue is slightly different, in v4 I just *added* a matrioska with brcmsmac+firmware files, because at the time of v4 it did not exist brcmsmac, so it was not loaded, was easy, no need to mess up the main matrioskas... I just added, was lucky ;) now in v5, you say, you have a brcmsmac (or any other problematic wifi driver) issue, you solve it yourself, no matter if it is a common problem, *objective*, not subjective... and no matter if you know it already but still put me in charge to fix it ;) that is the slight line which keeps users like me on slitaz, instead of core: because if I need to fix something, I just *add* a matrioska with what I need, the rest is already taken care by you Devs... thats it- easy life, thanks! :)
In any case, you understand yourself, I'm probably just the first who reported this issue, but be sure, others will come back to you telling they can *not* use the wifi because the driver (not talking about firmware) is wrong, and they dont want it to be set auto at live boot... that is also a bad reclame, users will say slitaz has a wrong wireless support... we are already almost out top-100 list in distrowatch... instead, what about fix that now, so you will have 1 problem less? ;)
Now, I'm not suggesting to remove the wifi support, or add firmware files, not at all !! because for example, you can go lucky and have only a rtl or ath or any other wifi which doesn't need firmware+plus driver is unique=smile... but, for others, what's the point to load a driver which, first of all doesn't work without firmware, second is not unique and some others could prefer (for many reasons) b43 instead of wl, third you can't unload it ... just making an example ;)
> all tools run from menu - for me eg. "sakura -e alsamixer" works without any problem
>> yes, they work ok, I just said, when you open them, they are somehow "invisible", not rendered, the window content is blank... press a key inside or maximize the terminal solves the issue.
> the dhcp request on LAN at live boot - remove network.sh from run scripts in /etc/rcS.conf
>> same as before, also here I can't *add* nothing, need remove+repack... before I do that, personally, I would rather not touch it, and stay with v4 ;)
> at live boot, the kernel messages get scattered - bootoption: vga=XXX
>> tried already all vga options available, the letters get smaller, shrink, and so on, but the scatter effect remains. Its visible mostly after the [OK], next line just goes <lf> under without <cr>