Slitaz cooking does not like my monitor
(3 posts) (3 voices)-
I have two computers with slitaz-cooking installed. Both have trouble booting it, if I connect a hanns-g HW173A vga-only lcd monitor to the vga-port. Connecting an other brand (Samsung 24ยจ or an old Medion lcd monitor) reveals nothing wrong with booting slitaz cooking. I updated to the newest packages. one of the computers has besides slitaz also ubuntu and kubuntu installed. ubuntu & kubuntu boot nice, slitaz fails on the hanns-g monitor. This is what happens: grub2 starts, I choose slitaz, hit return and the usual lines of the booting process run over the screen, at one point the letter-size becomes tiny, but when it is time to start up xvideo, the image freezes and the hanns-g monitor issues a msg: input signal out of range. and nothing more can be done. Time to push the reset button.... Perhaps there exists a boot-option for slitaz cooking, in order to get the monitor running. Slitaz 3.0 worked nice on this monitor... please help, Douwe.Posted 13 years ago #
Try the xvesa (http://mirror.slitaz.org/iso/3.0/flavors/) version and see if that works better.
Posted 13 years ago # -
Hi... I can't install Slitaz 3.0 on my netbook Acer 532H the error like in the picture, What should I do? thankyouPosted 13 years ago #
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