hello people...
i'm going to disturb you starting this night, and maybe a little bit after, to send you though this topic some unconvenient thing about our beloved fast and light slitaz dist.
firstly, just know that you probably missed some information supposed coming from your new members, because since few days at least, registrations on the forum are not finished by the automatic email subscription :
#1 registred wednesday or thursday, no mail at all for at least 24 hours. Just asked to a dev to change my password to be able to post this message.
seems very great for new forum users, they just can't use it lol
#2 is there an independant tool for wifi, featuring :
remembering wifi encryption keys even when we are switching between few different essid, avoiding to re-enter the wifi key each time..
able to connect to any kind of wifi regarding security : eap, peap, mschap, all you can find in SMB offices or universities, public organisms for wifi security, without having to use the wpa_supplicant files
without being mandatory to enter root password for saving keys, like in a .wifi folder.. in others distro, the wifi network could be switched without root password fortunately.
(and by the way being able to share internet connection thought wifi/wired, and as possible to create a shared-zone easily -less than 30sec- to share documents between two slitaz.. maybe i'm dreaming, but users are allowed to dream for their slitaz usage)
#3 the best one : i'm trying to set-up an exclusive-ipv6 network, meaning no ipv4 at all. Even windows xp deals with ipv6only, like slitaz. But like xp, slitaz just doesnt resolve dns even by putting 'nameserver fe80::....' to the resolv file.
how could i do an entire ipv6 without any ipv4, and with the $ù!)à ipv6 name resolution?
#4, i dont have it right now but be sure to make slitaz great again, i'll do everything to shake problems here to devs to make slitaz beloved again
(yes, if teams arent shake regarding the community, users can wait a long time..)
#5 a utility for power-management, as automatic sleep or pm-suspend after delay, maybe? or hard-drive inactivity.. it could be useful..