Hi everyone and a happy new year to all of you.
It's been quite some time since I posted here something substantial but now I want to do so.
(I'll try to answer to slitaz_user4 in a minute, but first some more basic announcement...)
During the last weeks I was heavily involved in doing a new "mass sweep" after having set up a new wok on a LFS 11.2 basis.
Since during my first tries I quite soon made a mistake in accepting a glibc error concerning iconv and introducing libiconv in many packages, I had to learn at a later stage that this was a dead end. The same was applicable to pthread.
So I tried to do better in this run.
What did I do?
1.) Follow the LFS 11.2 documentation until I got to a chroot-able system with all necessary tools (gcc, binutils, ...)
2.) I then collected the slitaz scripts from the different .tazpkg as far as I could to "SliTaz-ize" the Chroot-System and modified them where necessary (worked quite well from the first try already).
3.) I cloned the wok and started to build again.
4.) I wrote a small script that re-ordered all the receipts by dependencies in order to do another "mass sweep".
5.) At some point I got a little impatient and wanted to see some results. So I picked a side-path before coming back to the mass-sweep
6.) During the side-path I concentrated on Wayland to get a better understanding and to support SliTaz' way into a sustainable future. I achived stable but feature-poor versions of Sway and Wayfire (both really impressed me, Sway for simplicity and Wayfire for its effects) still with some fixes to do (wf-panel doesn't work yet...).
7.) I then wanted to ave somethin presentable and concentrated on XFCE4 and LXDE. For sustainability reasons I tried to keep to GTK+3 and Python3 as far as possible.
At this moment, I am writing these lines under XFCE4 Ver. 4.18.0, havin AbiWord 3.0.5 and Gnumeric 1.12.53 open as well as mtPaint 3.50.09 on three monitors, Thunar presenting the directory trees (but no working gvfs yet), l3afpad for file editing and Evince for PDFs.
LXDE ist not working yet, but I am working on it...
Up to now, I have more than 2.500 packages compiled and will have to move on the next weeks.
I am preparing the uploads of everything (see https://people.slitaz.org/~filou/cooking64_new for the new packages) and will link the directories and files here soon...