I've tried several of the other "light" packages but none of them even came close to SliTaz. I'm a total Linux noob but wanted to find a good low resource distro that I could use to bring my wife's old Compaq Presario 700 her father bought her in 2002. It's loaded with a full 256 M of ram and runs off a 900 MHz Mobile Duron proc. I was able to load Xubuntu, and Absolute Linux but they were both too slow on this old machine. I tried to load FedoraXFCE but it needed even more power, never was able to load it fully. And then I found SliTaz. It loaded without a hitch and I'm sending you this from my wireless Airlink 150 pcmcia lan card. SliTaz is everything I was looking for. Your feedback on the forum is fantastic and your help files are outstanding. I'll be visiting the forum to learn more about Linux and SliTaz but I wanted to thank you for all the work you've done on SliTaz. I'll be telling everyone I know looking for an excellent light weight Linux build to look no further.

SliTaz is Awsome!
(3 posts) (3 voices)-
Posted 13 years ago #
Yep :-)
Thank for the feedback, always nice to help having a good day!
We working very hard thes day and a lots of new cool thing will enter de distro, sty turned!
Posted 13 years ago # -
This discussion started five years ago…but I must say I think Slitaz is awesome too.
I too tried various light distros - puppy, Linux Lite, Nano, etc - but I was really surprised by how quickly my two low spec PCs boot up with Slitaz. (My old tower PC boots up and connects to the web faster than my aging iMac.)While Im finding there is bit of learning curve it seems well worth it. Several big name distros are now giving up on lower spec PCs supporting only 64 bit machines - I hope Slitaz continues with its low spec focus.
Thank you Slitaz developers for keeping low spec machines alive…and away from the dump sites.
Posted 7 years ago #
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