This is the first time I install and use SliTaz.After i've set up my partitions...downloaded packages etc...I've rebooted the pc, but now, it's booting into a kind of terminal and it's says "Welcome to your box".Please help me!

Slitaz is booting in to "welcome to your box"
(5 posts) (4 voices)-
Posted 12 years ago #
How much RAM memory does the computer have? SliTaz is made so that if it has to little memory it will boot to text-mode.
Posted 12 years ago # -
Check that, and also, if you know that the computer is recently built or has sufficient memory, do what is suggested in this thread:
Posted 12 years ago # -
The systeam has 256 mb of memory, the GUI has dissapeared becouse I've installed a video card driver and don't configured it.With SliTaz reinstaled and the deafult video driver all works good, thank you althrough for the nonspecialist and useless coments. FUCK YOU AND ALL GOES AWAY! _|_
If you're not documented sut the fuck up Emil!Posted 12 years ago # -
You really don't know how to make friends, do you?
How you asked the question is what we in the I.T. Industry call a "Shitty Question". You did not provide the steps that led to the problem nor did you provide ANY information of your system. Hell, you didn't even say WHICH packages you installed. This means we have to start WAY back on the problem chart to try and figure out how to help you. Emil actually asked the right kind of question.
That means the only idiot here, ilgrandere, is you because you made it near impossible to help you. I don't care if you apologize, but if I see another outburst like this because of your own stupidity, I'll just mark it as spam.
Posted 12 years ago #
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