Hi all, I have a compaq presario 12XL307 laptop which I found in the basement yesterday. It has 64MB of ram and a 10GB HDD. Now I downloaded slitaz 4.0 iso and tried it out--> doesn't work due to kernel panic error. Tried 3.0 iso--> doesn't work due to kernel panic error. Tried 3.0 loram version--> doesn't work due to kernel panic error. Tried 3.0 loram nocd version--> doesn't work kernel panic error. Tried slitaz 2.0 and 1.0--> no kernel panic errors but after unpacking initramfs and some more stuff like that just a blank black screen. Tried slitaz 4.0 core install iso--> don't work either. BTW I'm using unetbootin 568 to make a bootable usb drive. But in 4.0 main iso I'm able to get into the command line installer. Can someone tell me what is wrong and how to get slitaz running on this old timer. Also can I install through command line so that after installing I'll have a GUI Desktop system that can boot directly off the HDD. I'm a total newbie so please bear with me. THanks

Slitaz isn't booting on this pc!! please help me!!
(6 posts) (3 voices)-
Posted 12 years ago #
It should not be a problem - from the hardware als long as you use lowram - I think, the problem might be booting from USB.
I think you should try to boot it from the internal hard disk - there are different possibilities - see
Posted 12 years ago # -
Actually, his RAM is too small to run any of the LiveCD's except loram-cdrom.
So go to http://mirror.slitaz.org/iso/stable/flavors/ and download loram-cdrom.iso, then use unetbootin to make a bootable flash disk with it.
Posted 12 years ago # -
Hi guys I downloaded slitaz4.0 loram cdrom.iso and a made a bootable usb stick with unetbootin. I connected the stick to the laptop and made it boot from usb using plop boot manager. it showed alot of text and in the last it said kernel panic- attempted to kill init! then it showed some kernel syscall_call+0x7 or something like that and it just stayed there.It also said unable to mount slitaz4.0loram cdrom about 3 three time and then it showed the kernel panic error. I can give you a pic if you want. Can anyone tell why this is happening and how to fix it
Posted 12 years ago # -
as I said in the first answer - it seems, that the driver for your usb chip is not available at boot time
you have two possibilities:
you try to get somehow the contents of the iso to your internal hard disk - either with another linux distribution, which boots from your usb stick - like Antix or puppy or damn small linux - you have to try, which one works - and install also grub, make the slitaz boot entries in menu.lst and boot it from the internal hard disk
or you make your own kernel on another pc, where your usb driver is included at boot time
Posted 12 years ago # -
Could also be an bios issue. I know that no Linux will install unless I turn on memory error checking in the bios. Not sure why.
Posted 12 years ago #
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