I am pleased to announce that LXC support in SliTaz Kernel is now available.
Packages should be built by cooker during the day and available simultaneously on stable and cooking repository.
linux-lxc: provide kernel with LXC Suport
lxc: provide lxc tools
I also add debootstrap and dpkg for users that use debian container.
I need to fix little issue for lxc templates work out of box:
- lxc template use #!/bin/bash => i need to replace by ash
- lxc template use arch command but not exist in base system
- debootstrap need tar option that busybox tar command not provide
I also need to create default config for bridge interface after install lxc.
The packages is available here: http://people.slitaz.org/~shann/lxc/
EDIT: all issues is fixed, i rebuild and upload package
I work for create bridge config after install lxc