This might be a really stupid question but I can't seem to find the answer anywhere. Before Slitaz I used Puppy 4.3. After I booted for the first time, when I shut down, it asks me if I want to save my session info in a file so that all my preferences are saved even when using a live cd. That way, I can boot up quickly and all of my settings and packages are the same. Is there a way to do this with SLitaz when using a Live CD. Every time I shut down and boot up again, I have to go through the whole setup process again and all of my settings and packages are gone. Please help. Thanks!

SLitaz shutdown
(5 posts) (4 voices)-
Posted 13 years ago #
You have to specify a /home directory, see in Slitaz Parameters section:
Posted 13 years ago # -
You could also try slitaz-tank by godane. This is one of the features he tried to impliment with it. Don't know if it works like that, but it's worth a look.
Posted 13 years ago # -
Ok. I would like to set my hard drive as /home directory. How would I do that?
Posted 13 years ago # -
With SliTaz you can recreate an ISO from the current running system. This is done with Tazlito for LiveCD and with Tazusb for LiveUSB. In Live USB the new compressed system is written to the usb device but with Tazlito you end up with an ISO than you must burn. You can burn it to an already used cd if session was used in cdrkit or burn it to a new cd.
Maybe we could implement this feature one day with an option in the logout box.
- Christophe
Posted 13 years ago #
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