After installing the proprietary ATI drivers on my Dell Inspiron 1501, I lost the bar at the top with the 'start' menu. I've recently fixed the lack of native widescreen resolution on here, and this is my next hurdle to jump. I've searched the forum, and can't find anything related. Anyone know how to get this back?

Start Menu Task Tray Bar Gone
(22 posts) (10 voices)-
Posted 13 years ago #
Weird question, but is openbox or pcmanfm's desktop starting properly?
You can see if Openbox is working by right clicking on the desktop and you can see if pcmanfm's desktop managment is working because you have icons on the desktop.
If that's the case, then it's just lxpanel not starting. This sometimes happens to me too, which is why I wrote lxpanel into my openbox config. Right click the desktop--->Openbox--->Openbox menu and add the following where you want it:` <item label="Lxpanel">
<action name="Execute"><command>lxpanel</command></action>
</item>` I have mine under my favorite applications. It's a quick and easy way to start lxpanel if it crashes.If however Openbox is not starting, then somewhere along the boot path it's not being run. The best place would be to check in the /etc/slim.conf or within your home folder's .xsession file. It might also be a corrupt or missing /home/yourUsername/config/openbox/ OR missing /home/yourUsername/config/lxpanel/default/config file.
Posted 13 years ago # -
Thanks for the reply.
Openbox is running, I have the right click menu, and icons on the desktop.
Running lxpanel from terminal (which I had tried already) says this:
There is already an instance of LXPanel. Now to exitI still have no start menu at the top. The taskbar at the bottom with the clock and desktop switcher is there though.
Posted 13 years ago # -
Try killall lxpanel and try starting it from the terminal again. Not sure if that will help, but it's worth a shot.
Posted 13 years ago # -
Nope, that doesn't help. I've rebooted multiple times as well.
Posted 13 years ago # -
Check your ~/.config/lxpanel/default/panels. You should have 2 files : bottom and top. If you don't, you can cp the top file located in /usr/share/lxpanel/profile/default/panels
Posted 13 years ago # -
Aha! For future reference too, it wasn't called top, it was called panel. Either way, that worked splendidly. Thanks a lot, I'm really loving how quickly everyone is helping.
Posted 13 years ago # -
I'm having same issue as Blake. I've tried copying the "panel" file as arsaber suggested but it doesn't seem to help.
The error message is:
** (lxpanel:2356): DEBUG: cache file_name = /root/.cache/menus/8ee9cbaa19088694876f62889f53d6f Floating point exceptionAny help greatly appreciated.
Cheers, Steve
Posted 13 years ago # -
Having the same issue as steve1234; The error message is identical.
Thanx in advancec
Posted 13 years ago # -
Providing us with the error doesn't help us much. Any number of things could have caused it and just because you get this error doesn't mean everybody else gets it.
You need to provide the steps you took to get the error. This includes as which user you logged in, your system specs, the SliTaz version you're using, if it's off the LiveCD or if you installed it. Yes these things matter because it helps us solve the problem.
What you could do is try starting a terminal (right click and select terminal from favourite applications), doing su to root (enter su - press enter/return and enter the root password) and then typing rm /root/.cache/menus/8ee9cbaa19088694876f62889f53d6f or whatever the error says the file_name is.
Posted 13 years ago # -
Thanks Trixar. Further info:
Currently running SliTaz 3.0 from LiveCD with the default user (Tux).
Lxpanel doesn't load at startup. The error I mentioned above was caused when I tried to start it manually (by typing "lxpanel" from a terminal window). When the error is thrown, the start panel (or, at least, a grey bar where the start panel should be) is briefly shown and then vanishes again.
As with blake (above), SliTaz initially runs with a lower-than-native resolution which was fixed by following the steps at (ie # tazpkg get-install linux-agp, # tazpkg get-install linux-drm, # tazhw setup ati). Having said that, this might be a red herring as the 'start' bar doesn't show even at the original (bad) resolution.
Unlike Blake, I'm not sure lxpanel is running at all as "killall lxpanel" just says "no process killed".
I've tried the rm command you suggested. The command works ok but doesn't seem to help. When running lxpanel again it throws the same error.
The computer is an old Sony Vaio PCG-FR315B with Celeron 2.60GHz, 704Mb RAM and an ATI Radeon IGO 354M graphics.
Thanks, Steve
Posted 13 years ago # -
My issue appears to have resolved itself. I am not sure what happened; I will check the logs and get back to you
Posted 13 years ago # -
I will admit I am a super noob at least to the world of Linux. I am a big fan of slitaz 3.0 but i have lost my task bar at the bottom. I have found the panel file at /usr/share/lxpanel/profile/default/panels but I don't know how to view or check ~/.config/lxpanel/default/panels. I even tried to blind copy panel to this location but I am obviously missing something in the syntax or I am supposed to do it somewhere other than terminal. I am running this from the CD. I cant even figure out how to install this to the hard drive as I can't get to the installer. can someone please tell me how to get it back please.
Posted 13 years ago # -
The menu,task bar,panel are missing:
From the live cd, the iso or burned livecd is bad.
From an old install, do a new install of slitaz.Posted 13 years ago # -
I am getting a little bit frustrated. I booted my live cd on another newer laptop and everything looked fine. I went ahead and downloaded a different live cd "slitaz-3.0-loram.iso 2010-Jul-05 08:07:21 37.0M application/octet-stream" i created another disk and booted this in my older laptop. Again no taskbar. I am obviously missing something. the laptop is a Dell Latitude CPX PIII Processor, 256MB RAM, 12GB Harddrive
Posted 13 years ago #
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