as stated-
do i have any alternatives to tazlito for creating a live cd of my current installation?
all tazlito does is create an empty rootfs folder in /home/slitaz/distro
i am simply trying to create a live cd that INCLUDES the b43 firmware
even if tazlito didnt make the iso, i have read that iso master can be used to make new iso with the "new" rootfs.gz generated by tazlito and that seems simple enough
posted previously on this subject with no responses
what would be great is for b43 firmware to be included, i read broadcom doesnt want it distributed for some reason, even though i see others {ie backtrack} include them
if i try to generate a distro is says "A rootfs exists in /home/slitaz/distro please clean the distro tree or change directory path"
if i try to generate a flavor it says "unable to find a distro rootfs"
anyone have a link to a slitaz aircrack-ng distro that HAS the b43 firmware included?