I tried with 2 mirrors
can someone (responsible) have a look please? e.g. someone may retry "tazpkg up" with their local version? thx
"tazpkg up" gives: (A)
my tazpkg version: 757
mirrors I tried: (B)
I can install packages with tazpkg though, e.g. also recharge cmd worked
shared-mime-info 1.3 New build
slim 1.3.5 New build
/usr/bin/tazpkg: .: line 31: can't open 'slitaz-icon/receipt'
Current mirror(s)
Please enter URL of the new mirror (http, ftp or local path). You must specify
the complete address to the directory of the packages and packages.list file.
New mirror(s) URL: http://mirror.switch.ch/ftp/mirror/slitaz/packages/cooking/
Setting mirror(s) to: "http://mirror.switch.ch/ftp/mirror/slitaz/packages/cooking/"