A lot of topics disappeared from the forum - Evan with my admin rights in the forum i don't find them???

Threads missing?
(15 posts) (6 voices)-
Posted 7 years ago #
I reported forums,hg,etc.running on pangolin server were down on mailing list.
It appears a complete restore from backup was required.
The most recent backup available being 3 months old could be an explanation.
Very sad if we lost the last 3 months of posts :(
Will happen again unless offsite backups are generated daily,weekly,etc..Posted 7 years ago # -
Hi there,
I use Sparse rss application on my Android smartphone. I subscribed to some RSS feeds to track news and important events in which I interested.
Sparse rss keeps a log in the "SQLite format 3", so scratching the head a bit I found a way to extract only SliTaz Forum RSS feed among all entries, and to convert it to the HTML.
So, many (maybe all) missing SliTaz Forum posts you can find in this page (888 KB). Sorry, there's posts not grouped to topics. Only posts in the time order.
Posted 7 years ago # -
Many thanks, that is very helpful.Posted 7 years ago # -
Im still having probs posting.. ie my posting appears while Im logged in but disappears when I log out.
not sure if this is related or not..?
and when I log in the posting is shown as being by pankso… see above posting for Slitaz working on iMac.
Posted 7 years ago # -
alright - now working… great!!!
Posted 7 years ago # -
Hi there!
Take two: http://people.slitaz.org/~lexeii/forum/forum-posts2.html (928 KB)
A bit less messy: topic split and you can share links to the topics:http://people.slitaz.org/~lexeii/forum/forum-posts2.html#topic1512414398
and to individual posts:
Hope it will be useful.
Have a nice day!Posted 7 years ago # -
Excellent work-around - Ta Aleksej
Posted 7 years ago # -
Thanks @Aleksej
I've rebuilt some of my threads. Could they be published again?
Happy sunday!
Posted 7 years ago # -
Sorry for the late answer.
I want to forget two last days being totally like a nightmare…Unfortunately, I see no way to restore old topics.
I think you can post a digest-like new topic with the word "[solved]" in the title and to describe the problem and its solution. Or re-ask your question one more time if topic wasn't answered yet.Posted 7 years ago # -
maybe I can do something with my admin rights on the weekend - and like Aleksej, I had also some nightmare days - seems to be something in the air.....
Posted 7 years ago # -
Aleksej did publish a few time ago a message concerning his music compositions with a user friendly application he did port to SliTaz. I don't find the thread again. Is that the kind of missing threads?Posted 7 years ago # -
No, that thread's not missing. And LMMS exists in SliTaz since 2010: http://hg.slitaz.org/wok/log?rev=lmms ;-)Posted 7 years ago # -
Hi @Aleksej and @kultex!
I've two of my threads (both solved) in HTML format. This forum doesn't allow uploading neither HTML files nor compressed files.
@kultex: How can I send them to you? Through e-mail? If you can do something, perfect (and thanks so much). If not, I'll post a digest-like new topic with the word "[solved]" in the title :-)
Posted 7 years ago # -
Here are my two threads. I've added .txt extension to attach them.
Posted 7 years ago #
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